The International Communal Studies Association (ICSA) thirteenth international conference, to be held in upstate New York, will explore strategies that intentional communities use to promote the inclusion and empowerment of persons of diverse abilities, cultures, races, economic backgrounds, religions, ages, genders, and sexualities. We especially welcome proposals related to intentional communities and community movements that focus on the experiences of particular groups that have historically been marginalized—as, for example, the Camphill movement does for persons with intellectual disabilities. What can the field of communal studies learn from the unique experiences of such communities? We also especially welcome proposals that explore the implications of community choices that seek to increase or to limit diversity. How have communities succeeded or failed in their efforts to increase diversity or strengthen inclusion? Under what circumstances is it appropriate or necessary for an intentional community to limit certain forms of diversity? What is the relationship between the mere presence of previously excluded persons in a community, and the full inclusion and empowerment of those persons? What lessons might intentional communities share with other persons and organizations committed to diversity, inclusion, and empowerment?