Cohousing neighborhoods are nearly all set up to be, legally speaking, condominiums. Members own their own private homes with separate titles, and share in a clubhouse "common house" and other shared amenities. We all have our own kitchens, but some of us voluntarily gather to share meals up to several times a week, which we believe is being misinterpreted by HUD as a "board-and-care" type assisted-living facility, or like a business.

Cohousing neighborhoods are nearly all set up to be, legally speaking, condominiums. Members own their own private homes with separate titles, and share in a clubhouse "common house" and other shared amenities. We all have our own kitchens, but some of us voluntarily gather to share meals up to several times a week, which we believe is being misinterpreted by HUD as a "board-and-care" type assisted-living facility, or like a business.

Alice showing off green features of her community
Here's some of what people signing the petition have said about why they support allowing Reverse Mortgages for cohousing neighborhoods:
Amy Pett JAMAICA PLAIN, MA: I am an older cohousing resident who might need this option one day.
Louis Thomas BOSTON, MA: As a cohousing resident in Boston, I can't understand why the FHA would discriminate against the elderly who have chosen to live in cohousing.
Samantha Byers LOS ANGELES, CA: I think America should pride itself on people like this woman living on her own and in a community where she considers people her family. It is a shame that the government would go this low. This country is no longer a place to achieve the american dream more like an american nightmare.
William Cunninghame PORTLAND, OR: I live in a cohousing community and have experienced the financial industry's misconceptions related to cohousing. Education!
michael schley ROSEVILLE, CA: Please find a way to allow Alice Green and others like her to benefit from a reverse mortgage loan for her home. Treat Cohousing condominiums like all other condominium communities.
Dwight Ernest BERLIN, MA: I live in cohousing, and someday I may need to access a reverse mortgage.
Abigail Daken SILVER SPRING, MD: Cohousing represents a more humane and sustainable model of housing, particularly as people go through transitions and difficult times in their lives. I have seen that here in my own community. I understand that the Cohousing model is unfamiliar and can make lenders hesitant. However, I encourage you to consider what you can do to encourage this valid choice and give those of us living in Cohousing access to the same advantages
Sharon Markham BELLINGHAM, WA: It is a condo, cohousing should have equal opportunity and access to reverse mortgage as any other condo under. fairness in "lending" policy. What is the rationale for non-eligibility, I wonder.
Joan Duerst MONONA, WI: Cohousing is an important way for older adults to live safely and independently. This request is so simple. I work with older adults through a coalition of the elderly. What a blessing this alternative for quality life for seniors this would be for so many people.
Harriett McMahon ACTON, MA: I pay a condo fee and have all the requirements of any condo in my state. In return, I hope to retain the same rights- including the option of a reverse mortgage if I need one. There is no legal to treat my condo (in a cohousing condo) as a legally different arrangement. At the same time, my neighbors are friends in community. The FHA should not assume that condo residents who are in cohousing somehow are not meeting the same legal requirements. A condo is a condo, or at least, I know this to be true in our development. Do not discriminate against Cohousing condos, please.
Margaret Weatherly UNION BRIDGE, MD: Cohousing is growing type of housing that provides small safe neighborhoods to all ages and should be treated the same as condos and other forms of housing for financing.
Janet Grove UNION BRIDGE, MD: I've lived in cohousing for 7 years. It's like any condo or HOA, legally and financially. And I know people in cohousing who have reverse mortgages.
Benjamin Holmes MELROSE, MA: I live in cohousing and would like the same rights as everyone else.
Noel R BERLIN, MA: Aging in place is a value of cohousing, and situations like Ms. Green's are likely to become more common as some cohousing communities move into their second and third decades.
carolyn shapiro MONTPELIER, VT : It is important for lenders to realize that cohousing is a very safe and important option.
Janet Innes CAMBRIDGE, MA: I am 69 and have lived in a cohousing community for twelve years. There seem to be some very odd misconceptions out there about what cohousing is. Legally and financially, cohousing is no different from any other condominium. Each individual or family owns their own unit outright, no strings attached. There is no reason that cohousing condominium owners should not have access to all of the same
Jeb Mays CAMBRIDGE, MA: Our family also lives in a cohousing condominium community. We fully support allowing this petition. Discrimination because our community is called "cohousing" is not acceptable!
Genevieve Villemaire S. LAKE TAHOE, CA: Cohousing does not make her any less of an owner of her home.
Yvonne Ostby ADDISON, IL: They should treat cohousing condominiums like all other condominium communities.
Pat Evans ITHACA, NY: Members of cohousing condominiums should be able to access the equity they've built up in their homes
Frank O'Brien KENNESAW, GA: Why discriminate against coho using at all? Sounds good to me!
Kathryn Stratton MILL VALLEY, CA: Cohousing should be encouraged and not penalized. Allowing the reverse mortgage to cohousing participants is just fair treatment.
Marcia Carlson PORTLAND, OR: Cohousing has a growing mainstream market. For FHA to treat ownership in cohousing differently from other condominium dwellings difference not reflect of this positive market trend, and discriminates against buyers of housing in these humanly highly desirable community neighborhoods.
Lee Erman MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA: My wife and I have recently sold our condo and will soon be buying a condo in a cohousing community. There is no difference legally or structurally between the two developments -- except that the cohousing one will almost certainly be more stable and better managed than the non-cohousing one. The FHA, as part of my government, needs to educate itself so it can serve the country better.
Stephanie Munoz MODESTO, CA: Cohousing condominium communities should not be treated any different than other condo's. She should be allowed to access the equity she put into her home! Cohousing is no more financially risky than any other condominium community, and its residents should not be denied the legal protections available to other older condominium owners. The FHA needs to spend some time in the real world if it knows so little about this popular, community-building way of life that has proved its worth and stability over a period of decades.
Larry Rosenberg MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA: I am in the process of selling my condo in Downtown Mountain View to buy a Cohousing unit in Old Mountain View a ten minute walk away. Why? So I can Age in Place with a Great Group of Community-Minded people. My long term financial plan is to get a Reverse Mortgage to supplement my financial resources, as the need occures.
Joan Lichterman OAKLAND, CA: Thee's no reason to consider condominiums in cohousing communities any differently from any other condos. Please reconsider so Alice and others can continue to live in their homes.
Jane Hsuan GRASS VALLEY, CA: The reason may be that they don't know how to value your equity. Each cohousing entity is unique, so if there are no sales in your area.
Wendy Hovey HORSEHEADS, NY: Cohousing is the wave of the future for the burgeoning number of seniors. It should be rewarded, not penalized!
Mark Macy SAN FRANCISCO, CA: CoHousing communities are similar to any other condominium ownership model, but with the added benefits that come with the communal aspects. This is a type of housing ownership model that that has "built-in" social and economic supports that are particularly helpful to seniors looking to "age-in-place" in a community that they are comfortable and familiar with; not have to resort to moving into assisted living facilities which would be unnecessarily disruptive and expensive and not beneficial to anyone. CoHousing owners should have access to reverse mortgages just as others do. We should, in fact, be encouraging more participation in this model of entirely private sector supportive housing, not less, as our population ages.
Harriett McMahon ACTON, MA: I pay a condo fee and have all the requirements of any condo in my state. In return, I hope to retain the same rights- including the option of a reverse mortgage if I need one. There is no legal to treat my condo (in a cohousing condo) as a legally different arrangement. At the same time, my neighbors are friends in community. The FHA should not assume that condo residents who are in cohousingsomehow are not meeting the same legal requiremtents. A condo is a condo, or at least, I know this to be true in our development. Do not discriminate against Cohousing condos, please.
I want to live in a cohousing community and this rule does not make sense; cohousing is the way to go for all ages and community building. This rule is short-sighted and counter-productive.
Rector CENTENNIAL, CO: I'm seriously considering moving to cohousing and could see myself possibly ending up in the same position. When you're on a fixed income and everything else but your income goes up - well the result should be obvious.
Mark Macy SAN FRANCISCO, CA: CoHousing communities are similar to any other condominium ownership model, but with the added benefits that come with the communal aspects. This is a type of housing ownership model that that has "built-in" social and economic supports that are particularly helpful to seniors looking to "age-in-place" in a community that they are comfortable and familiar with; not have to resort to moving into assisted living facilities which would be unnecessarily disruptive and expensive and not beneficial to anyone. CoHousing owners should have access to reverse mortgages just as others do. We should, in fact, be encouraging more participation in this model of entirely private sector supportive housing, not less, as our population ages.
Frank O'Brien KENNESAW, GA: Why discriminate against coho using at all? Sounds good to me!
Marcia Carlson PORTLAND, OR: Cohousing has a growing mainstream market. For FHA to treat ownership in cohousing differently from other condominium dwellings does not reflect of this positive market trend, and discriminates against buyers of housing in these humanly highly desirable community neighborhoods.
Peggy Blum CAMBRIDGE, MA: Living frugally on $12,000 a year in cohousing is to be admired and supported. The alternatives would be far more costly and require more government funded programs.
Deborah Reeves WASHINGTON, DC
Francoise Paradis BUXTON, ME: Many older adults live in cohousing communities and should not be discriminated against to get a reverse mortgage. There is no reason to consider cohousing differently than standard condominiumR
Noel BERLIN, MA: Aging in place is a value of cohousing, and situations like Ms. Green's are likely to become more common as some cohousing communities move into their second and third decades.
Albert Hardy DURHAM, NC: Cohousing is a mainstream type community. There is no reason the FHA should treat it differently. Resales are usually better than other homes because people actively seek out this kind of community where you know your neighbors and share some resources (like tools).
Katherine Matthews SILVER SPRING, MD: Cohousing condos have to follow all of the non-discrimination rules and regs as other condos - they are not a separate condo "type" under law and thus salable to anyone. They are generally more stable and more valuable than similar properties in their neighborhood. What is the rationale for barring a reverse mortgage?
Lyons Witten AMHERST, MA: Cohousing represents the most stable and well managed sector of the condo market. Banks recognize our model the same as other condos, and so should the FHA. The notion that the FHA would want to remove anyone from their home when they have a viable alternative is ludicrous. Reverse mortgages are a standard tool in the financial world and do not represent additional risk over std mortgages. Get with the program FHA and go fight a real problem elsewhere!
Jim Snyder-Grant ACTON, MA: A condo is a condo, whether or not the residents eat some meals together or call it 'cohousing'. There's no reason for the FHA to blanket deny reverse mortages to cohousing residents when they allow them for all other condos.
Carol Agate CAMBRIDGE, MA: A cohousing condo is legally the same as any other. More common spaces doesn't change its status.
Kathleen Walsh PORTLAND, OR: As an owner of a condo in a cohousing community, I know all my responsibilities--to pay property taxes, to maintain the buildings and land and to participate in the regulation of positive social engagement, are exactly the same as any condo owner. Sharing meals doesn't diminish our responsibilities as owners in any way.
Jack Graham LONG BEACH, CA: Treat cohousing condominium communities like mine the same as any other condo community so I and others can access reverse mortgages to help stay in our homes.
Sim Ksllan EL CERRITO, CA: Help eliminate this unequal treatment of cohousing owners
Louis Thomas BOSTON, MA: As a cohousing resident in Boston, I can't understand why the FHA would discriminate against the elderly who have chosen to live in cohousing.
Tina Bennett FORKS OF SALMON, CA: I feel it is important that Carol is able to keep her home. I think that cohousing should be able qualify for FHA should give them equally opportunity.
Janice Fisk SANTA BARBARA, CA: I think cohousing is a great social model for healthy living and should not be penalized for being "outside the box" of standard condo setup.
Jay Mankita AMHERST, MA: I support the cohousing model for community. Sharing resources in a community setting should be encouraged.
henry lappen AMHERST, MA: Cohousing is a very important form of housing that helps build community.
Jane Johnson AMHERST, MA: Cohousing is only one of many conceivable situations where the FHA ruling would work against the best interests of our elders who are wisely sharing and resources and support in order to age-in-place rather than languish in nursing homes. Shame on the federal government once again!
Shari Hirst SANTA FE, NM: I, too, live in a cohousing community. When I had previously checked into a reverse mortgage, I wasn't aware that they discriminated. A dwelling is a dwelling and should be treated as such.
Ellen Seeger MONTPELIER, VT: All homeowners should be able to get a reverse mortgage if they so wish. A cohousing home is no different.
Mariama Congo BERLIN, MA: If the US forces cohousers to be set up as condos, we should at least have the same benefits as other condominium-dwellers!
R Philip Dowds CAMRIDGE, MA: My wife and I are six-year residents of a twelve-year-old cohousing community. In Massachusetts, as in most other states, cohousing is chartered and managed just like any other condominium association. Why would the FHA want to penalize us for being more stable, well-featured, and congenial than the average condominium facility?
Elizabeth Locke CAMBRIDGE, MA: I live in cohousing, as do many other seniors. We need access to this resource.
Joan Knight BURLINGTON, VT: I live in cohousing as well. I think it makes complete sense to refer to this as a condo community. I am here partly because it's a great place to age without being isolated.
Dave Shevett MA: Cohousing communities should enjoy the same benefits of 'normal' condominiums.
Janet Braun WASHINGTON, DC: I live in a cohousing condo and it IS a condo in every sense of the word! It is imperative that cohousing condo owners be able to access mortgages and reverse mortgages and loans options as any other single home owner can. Please reconsider this request and let Ms. Green receive a reverse mortgage.
Nancy Bair AMHERST, MA: I also own my condo in a cohousing community. It didn't occur to me that the reverse mortgage that's part of my retirement plan might not be available to me. This is wrong!
Janet Innes CAMBRIDGE, MA: I am 69 and have lived in a cohousing community for twelve years. There seem to be some very odd misconceptions out there about what cohousing is. Legally and financially, cohousing is no different from any other condominium. Each individual or family owns their own unit outright, no strings attached. There is no reason that cohousing condominium owners should not have access to all of the same mortgage and financial products that any other condominium is.
Pat Evans ITHACA, NY: Members of cohousing communities should be able to access the equity they've built up in their homes and reverse mortgages because cohousiung condominiums are treated differently than other condos,
Kathryn Stratton MILL VALLEY, CA: Cohousing should be encouraged and not penalized. Allowing the reverse mortgage to cohousing participants is just fair treatment.
Lee Erman MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA: My wife and I have recently sold our condo and will soon be buying a condo in a cohousing community. There is no difference legally or structurally between the two developments -- except that the cohousing one will almost certainly be more stable and better managed than the non-cohousing one. The FHA, as part of my government, needs to educate itself so it can serve the country better.
Stephanie Munoz MODESTO, CA: Cohousing condominium communities should not be treated any different than other condo's. She should be allowed to access the equity she put into her home!
Levy SACRAMENTO, CA: Cohousing is no more financially risky than any other condominium community, and its residents should not be denied the legal protections available to other older condominium owners. The FHA needs to spend some time in the real world if it knows so little about this popular, community-building way of life that has proved its worth and stability over a period of decades.
Joan Lichterman OAKLAND, CA: Thee's no reason to consider condominiums in cohousing communities any differently from any other condos. Please reconsider so Alice and others can continue to live in their homes. HUD should treat cohousing condominiums like all other condominium communities.
Kathryn Winter NAPA, CA: I want to live in a cohousing community and this rule does not make sense; cohousing is the way to go for all ages and community building. This rule is short-sighted and counter-productive.
Pam Nieberg DAVIS, CA: She owns her home. That should be all that is necessary. The decision by the FHA Commissioner and Assistant Secretary for Housing Carol Galante to refuse to allow cohousing condominiums be treated like all condominium communities is arbitrary and unfair. Without the reverse mortgage to help Alice Green remain in her home, she will lose her home of more than 20 years! Please let her reverse her mortgage to remain in her beloved home and community! Pam Nieberg
Wendy Hovey HORSEHEADS, NY: Cohousing is the wave of the future for the burgeoning number of seniors. It should be rewarded, not penalized!
Genevieve Villemaire S. LAKE TAHOE, CA: Cohousing does not make her any less of an owner of her home.
Deb Carey AMESBURY, MA: This cohousing is a condominium legally. If I understand correctly, condominiums can have reverse mortgages. Alice should be able to get one.
Marina Bezzati SAN DIEGO, CA: I am also planning to live in a cohousing community and I am over 60, life is harder.
Linda Kelley SAN FRANCISCO, CA: cohousing communities are one of the best healthful, low resource options that exist. People choosing to live in these communities should not be punished, but rewarded. Please work out the details of allowing this to happen.
pat muldoon ARLINGTON,MA: Cohousing owners should be considered owners of their units. It's only fair. The FHA should make it easier to start "green" housing groups like this, not harder
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